Stuff Under the Header


A New Year and New Games (and Update)

Hope everyone had a great holiday season. I ended the year with the flu, but that's now in the past. Maybe this year we'll get a glimpse of something else I'm working on.

Patch Notes for Version
  • Nightmare mode unique Megaman ability has changed from a 4th level charge to being able to store up to 3 fully charged shot. Many have been calling it the Moogy Buster due to its inspiration during Moogy's stream of Nightmare mode many months ago where these things were discussed.
  • A few bugs were fixed, most notably the dagger pickups no longer upgrade holy water, which means the holy water upgrades now actually work. The scaling for both weapons was the same and no damage changed were made. The changes are retroactive as well.
  • Brian's Bubble Tower level was slightly changed in that only Mario abilities work in it.
  • Birds were added to the map the player starts in.

This patch was done quite some time ago, but I was going to add a little special thing for certain fans of the game, but the Nightmare Megaman ability has been requested, so the update is a bit early. Another update within a few weeks may happen. There's another project I'm in the middle of finishing up, so when that's done, I'll get back to adding this special thing into DT3.