And to commemorate... something, here's a screenshot that won't give anything away.
There are sparkly effects around Claire... is that a spoiler? |
Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday season. I'm still (slowly) working on the update I keep mentioning. It's totally happening, just not as soon as everyone wanted, but it's still going. I suppose there's really only 2 more things to do with it before I hand it off to the testers.
I thought about how to show part of the new content without giving anything about it away and the above is it. There's no post-editing going on. That is 100% in-game. This screenshot is also the only one I'm giving out.
Expect more birds with the update as well!
Is this the fabled Compression Nightmare, bane of all recorded videos and LPers???
This screenshot both intrigues and scares me. Looking forward to the end result.
2 more things? Let me guess... one of these things is a new ending. :D
Compression Nightmare, with static overlay. Hello super bitrate, how we've missed you.
Oooh, I really hope a new boss is one of those two things...
No matter how unlikely it may be.
How goes work on the new update, Zephyr? No rush, just curious.
Moving once again now that I'm not playing FF15 all the time.
Hey, quick question.
Did you ever consider having Hidden Phantom as a boss in DT3, considering that the other Guardians were all fought at some point in the series?
Yes, it was considered at one point, but it never happened. I believe slit asked about that too during development.
How's the update coming along? We didn't hear from you in over a month. Did the testers already test whatever you are working on?
It's still happening. So far I have not handed off anything to the testers. Full honesty here, there have been entire weeks where the game just wasn't touched. Been a bit more on my plate lately than I thought. (And the DT3 update isn't the only thing I'm working on.) It doesn't help that I prooobably spent too much time with FF15.
Good news is it's super close to being handed off to the testers.
Good to hear, anxiously waiting for the release in between other things! Can't wait to experience it when it's good and ready!
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