So yeah, if you really like platformers and have one of the 3 major consoles (edit: or Steam), I highly recommend getting 'Rayman Origins'. Yahtzee reviewed it and showed quite a bit of love to it as well. Jeremy and I played all of it, getting most of the little pink thingies. (I forget what they're called now.) The game isn't afraid to go on the difficult side of things. (Oh man, that last world.)
It took away the pointless lives system and does checkpoints the way DT does. It's always fun, always pretty to look at. The levels all have this nice flow to them, like the way 'Super Meat Boy' has them. (Well when you become good at playing SMB anyway.) If what I said above didn't hint at it... it's multiplayer, with 4 people if you want, and not in the cluster-mess way 'New Super Mario Wii' was like. You can actually play it with 3 or 4 people without stepping all over each other.
So last Saturday the season 2 finale of Friendship is Magic aired. No no, I'm not going to go on about it, but I did really really enjoy this song. Even my roommate, Jerry, enjoyed the episode and specifically that song and he doesn't really care much for the show. If you follow the show or at least the music (mostly what I do), then you probably already know about the hidden thing in the song. It's incredibly nerdy, as I like to put it, but pretty awesome.
Also because I forgot to post a pony pic with my pony... thing above. (Yeah I didn't show this in my usual edit style.)
Being a blog about a game I'm making, it would only be right if a blog post had something to do with that. So the rest of this will be about that. Now I'm going to go finish this boss encounter with this thing that has homing missiles.
Oh wait, one other thing. If your preferred method for contacting me was through email, use the address:
ZephyrBurst @ yahoo (.) com
Don't need those dang google bots picking up that one.